Waiting on your refund or exchange? Once your return has been received at our warehouse, our team will unpack and inspect your order within 5-10 working days. To check your return has reached us, use your courier's tracking number and look for a delivery scan at our warehouse. As soon as this is processed you’ll receive an email notification from us.
If you have requested a refund, it can take 5-10 working days for the refund to appear in your account, depending on your bank's processing times. Refunds go to the original payment method and can't be changed. If your card is lost or cancelled, your bank can transfer the refund to your new account.
If we do not receive your return, you'll need to provide tracked proof of postage, as we may refuse a refund without it. Payments made with E-cheques must clear before processing a refund, which can take 7-10 working days.
If you still haven't received your refund after checking your return tracking and processing time, please contact Client Services for assistance.